Portfólio Amazônia

Inovação e sustentabilidade no bioma Amazônia

Innovation and sustainability in the Amazon biome

With science, technology and innovation, the Amazon Portfolio aims to develop, expand and encourage new models of development that focus on reducing deforestation and environmental degradation, on the sustainability of agricultural and forestry production, and on improved well-being in Amazon populations.


Rede de soluções

Solution network

The Amazon comprises about 40% of the world's tropical forests and has a vast biodiversity, consisting of at least 40,000 plant species and thousands of animal species. The region is home to more than 23 million people, including traditional peoples and communities, which have in the biome an important source of food, energy and income. 

Technological and social innovation are the main aspects to overcome the challenge of reconciling economic development with social inclusion and the improvement of the population's quality of life and environmental conservation in the region.

Embrapa operates in the region through an integrated network of nine research centers, creating solutions for the forestry, agricultural and agroindustrial segments. It also contributes to the formulation of public policies in the search for poverty reduction, improvement of human welfare and reduction of deforestation and environmental degradation.

Innovation challenges

  • Adding value to the Amazon's biodiversity products (Unconventional Food Plants, oils, resins, extracts, essences, plant fats, fruit, medicinal plants, roots and tubers, fibers, wood and meliponines) considering the multifunctionality of the rural space in the areas of family farming, traditional communities and indigenous peoples.
  • Enabling the transition from agricultural and forestry systems of low productivity and profitability, and high environmental impact to intensive and sustainable production systems, considering the multifunctionality of family farming in the Amazon region.
  • Recovering degraded pasture and agricultural areas, and incorporating deforested and degraded areas that are fit for sustainable agricultural and forestry production in the Amazon biome.
  • Expanding the traceability, productivity, and profitability of sustainable (timber and non-timber) forest management systems to make them competitive with agricultural systems in the Amazon biome.
  • Increasing the scale, quality, regularity and logistics of the production of Amazon biodiversity raw materials for the development of sustainable products, processes and services for agrifood, agrochemical, cosmetic, pharmaceutical, surgical, pneumatic and renewable energy industries.
  • Enabling the knowledge and innovation system’s support for territorial decision-making in deforested areas in the Amazon biome.
  • Expanding the insertion of Amazon bioassets as inputs for conventional products and bioeconomy industry bioproducts, focusing on the agrochemical, cosmetic, food and pharmaceutical sectors.
  • Informing and articulating public policies to overcome non-technological bottlenecks that restrict access to and adoption of technologies in sustainable agricultural and forestry production systems in the Amazon biome.

Portfolio Management Committee

The Portfolio Management Committee works to define innovation challenges and oversee the portfolio of projects.


Embrapa Lista De Pessoas

Portfólio - Genérico - Secretário

Executive secretary:

Embrapa Lista De Pessoas

Learn more about the theme

Browse through theme pages related to Embrapa's work in the Amazon region. They include news, publications, questions and answers, images, videos, technologies, and other useful information:

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Partnerships and Business

Embrapa's Innovation Model focuses on open innovation, which relies on partnerships since the beginning of each project for the sake of the market insertion of new assets. Find out how to jointly invent with Embrapa technological solutions that add value to business and enable innovation in the agricultural production sector.

Access the web page for the Business and Technology Showcase